July 27, 2024


  1. I have read all and I believe that there is no pandemic. It is exactly like written above. The evil psychopathic globalist and their goverment puppets must be removed and no mercy to be shown to them. They must all be judged by Nuremberg II Code. These paid puppets have betrayed their own Australian brothers and sisters and are just as evil as the globalst. They can only be removed by forceRevolution / people power is the only answer! We can start by non compliance, no mask, no signing in, don’t support these corporations like Amazon, Microsoft etc. We also need to organise the stood down police, ADF and all freedom fighters to organise to a “Peoples Defence Force” to defend our selves from government agents/ forcesUnited we Stand and Fight for Freedom

  2. There are many Police Officers who have reluctantly stood down, but should never be neglected or ignored, for they still carry a fair amount of weight and sway. Their added support in an obvious manner would assist enormously.

  3. Yes, it looks like it has come to this, I must say. I certainly will not go down without a fight. You have to go after the highest up first, then those below them will crumble anyway.

  4. Deleted my comment, eh?

    Wow. You really are a loathsome piece of shit, aren’t you?

    Imagine seeing a world-wide tragedy, and thinking that, the best way you can respond is to become a cult-leader — for your own ego and need for attention — and you decide that it’s a great idea to radicalise your followers into violent extremism.

    You’ll delete this post too, and frankly, I don’t care, I can keep this up all day.

    But I’ve spent 2 years, now, getting people like you arrested and deplatformed and otherwise robbed of their echo chambers. I’ll continue to do it, too. When you get dragged away in handcuffs, I’ll be there with popcorn.

    Because you are a disgusting parasite, a failure of a human being. I’ve wiped shit off the bottom of my shoe that I respect more than you. And I wanted you to know that, you piece of slime.

    1. This lefty loser “Pete” has sent a flurry of triggered, abusive comments. Pretty unsavoury stuff which we won’t publish because we don’t want that level of gutter talk on this site. If he only had the brains to debate rationally, he’d get a hearing, but since he’s an emotional dwarf, yes, he gets blocked. Lesson for others is; if you really want to debate anything on this website, then do it intelligently and with respect. Anything less means you’ve wasted your time. Simple stuff that most decent people understand. So bye bye Petey, go troll somewhere else.

    2. This lefty loser “Pete” has sent a flurry of triggered, abusive comments. Pretty unsavoury stuff which we won’t publish because we don’t want that level of gutter talk on this site. If he only had the brains to debate rationally, he’d get a hearing, but since he’s an emotional dwarf, yes, he gets blocked. Lesson for others is; if you really want to debate anything on this website, then do it intelligently and with respect. Anything less means you’ve wasted your time. Simple stuff that most decent people understand. So bye bye Petey, go troll somewhere else.

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