July 27, 2024


  1. Its absolutely horrendous and what the Governments are allowing to happen to their citizens. I definitely am Not getting any of the so called jabs. I’m asking my doctor for an exemption.

  2. No nurse is an expert on vaccines and their effects. None of this paranoid nonsense stands up to fact checking with reliable sources. Don’t rely on anecdotes from spurious sources. I live in the UK where the vaccine has had a remarkable effect. Vaccine denial is a threat to world health. It is the responsibility of governments to protect their citizens even if that results making in some measures compulsory, e.g. during the Second World War numerous regulations were introduced in the UK and Australasia for the greater good that curtailed individual freedoms and that had to be.

    1. Two words Paul – Nuremberg Code. None of this gets to subvert the international trials that were instigated and agreed to by all nations are World War II. That is; a person must NEVER be forced or coerced to take any medicine without their informed consent. There is no argument against this. If you try, you will be saying that the Nazi’s were just “doing the right thing”. End of argument my friend. Make your choice and live with it. Good luck.

      1. This isn’t coercion, it’s a medical necessity for healthcare professionals to be immunised against a range of diseases and viruses, and it always has been.

        “All prospective employees applying for roles within SA Health are required to provide confirmation of immune status. Those who refuse to participate in screening and/or vaccination, or fail to provide confirmation of immune status, and whose prospective work activities are assessed as Category A or Category B, will not be considered for employment.”

        Hepatitis B
        Hepatitis A*


        “Vaccines don’t stop you passing on COVID”. If you are sick for a shorter period of time, or you have a lower chance of being sick in the first place, you statistically reduce the likelihood of making some else ill.

        Not to mention the fact that this woman, working in a high-risk environment, has a much greater chance of getting ill than the typical Aussie.

        1. We will not engage with you until you have the courage to provide your real name. If you stand behind your values and beliefs, you should have no problem with that.

        2. The Term Vaccine is incorrect. This drug offers Zero immunity against the virus and thus has zero community benefit with substantial individual risk.

          1. Agreed. Several leading immunologists including Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Ryan Cole repeatedly state that it is a gene therapy injection. Not a vaccine. The reason they called it that is to be able to gain EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation). Crimes Against Humanity, if ever there was a definition. All will be revealed. We must remember we are still in the early days of World War III. Wars last for years and it takes decades to discover the true criminals behind the scenes. Not very comforting, but the truth will rise on this one.

    2. what utter nonsense your blind faith leds you to believe.
      … its the “responsibility of government to ….”
      The manufacturers of this EMERGENCY experimental treatment with NO LONG TERM clinical trails ARE completely 100% exempt from responsibility or liabiliy…read the supply contract your government signed with the suppliers.
      Nor doctors, nor politicians …. no one is responsible….

    3. These nurses are working in the hospitals and seeing the effects Paul. They are on the ground witnessing it first hand. Even if this was a real vaccine, injecting anything into anybody against their will is wrong! People’s health is their own responsibility, not the governments. Here in Australia we lose over 20,000 people a year from cigarettes. The government couldn’t give two shits about that? Facts are not medical misinformation they are FACTS.

      1. They run campaigns against tobacco and implemented a tax. You all contradict each other. Would you prefer the Govt (who are people with ordinary family members and links to the community…..do you think the Govt are all secretive and corrupt and evil lying sheep. It’s so preposterous. You are all scared and trying to feel like you have the inside scoop and you all know the truth….but no one can tell me what and why “they” are inventing a virus and a vaccine. So please explain to me exactly what is the “Govt Agenda”?

  3. It is so pleasing to see these responsible people going public. Even if MSN won’t acknowledge it these people will still suffer the personal/practical results of their brave actions.

  4. These nurses are working in the hospitals and seeing the effects ,Paul. They are on the ground witnessing it first hand. Even if this was a real vaccine, injecting anything into anybody against their will is wrong! People’s health is their own responsibility, not the government’s. Here in Australia we lose over 20000 people a year from cigarettes. The government couldn’t give two shits about that? Facts are not medical misinformation they are FACTS.

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